Google inc. Opens The AdSense For Domains Internationally

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

When i browse the internet i was found a discussion at discussion at DigitalPoint Forums, Google AdSense Help and WebmasterWorld, it is about Opening The AdSense For Domains Internationally,

In December , Google reported that : AdSense for Domains product to all US publishers, and Today, we are See reports in several forums that it has now been expanded to international publishers as well.

I was very concerned to learn in December that this very controversial program was expanded then. But to be honest, I have not seen many complaints since the expansion.

For my opinion, things did not get worse by opening up.

In fact, maybe things have been getting better with Google and fighting off certain types of MFAs and arbitrageurs.

Opening this program internationally doesn't worry me, but let's see how Google handles it.

Right now, we have very little feedback on the implications of this move. The best thing is to wait and watch. Oh, trust me, as soon as I see complaints, I will bring them to you.


